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Our Associate Ministers
Minister Darrell H. Booth was born in Baltimore, Maryland. He attended Baltimore School of the Bible, Arlington Bible College Institute and graduated from Philadelphia Bible College with a Bachelor of Theology degree. Minister Booth was called to the Ministry in October 1984. For a period, he served as the Pastor of Sweet Prospect Baptist Church and pioneered/pastored Paradise Evangelistic Bible Fellowship. Presently, Minister Booth serves as an Assistant Minister at Pilgrim’s Way Bible Baptist Church and is the director of the Outreach & Evangelism Ministry. He has served for many years as ministry lead and member on various PWBBC ministries and is a member of the Kings Park Community Association; Block Captain Evangelism Team Leader for Born Again Incorporate; and Street Ministry.
Minister T. Randall Bolling was born the eldest of eight children. He completed his theological studies and graduated from the College of the Open Bible, which is in Greensville, South Carolina with a Bachelor’s Degree in Theology, a Master’s in Divinity and a Doctoral of Divinity degree. He received his calling to the Ministry in the summer of 1987. Minister Bolling was blessed to preach his initial sermon in September 1987 and was subsequently licensed in the same year. Upon joining Pilgrim’s Way Bible Baptist Church and under Pastor Thornton and Assistant Pastor, Cedric R. Manson, Minister Bolling was ordained in June 1999. Presently, he diligently serves as ministry leader and faithfully shares the good news of Jesus Christ to the staff and residents at the Milford Mill Nursing Home.
Minister Andre’ E. Johnson was born in Wilmington, Delaware, and is the younger of two children. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from Morgan State University, a Master’s degree in International Finance from Drexel University, and a Master’s degree in Church Ministries from Saint Mary’s Ecumenical Institute. Minister Johnson is an instructor at the Baltimore School of the Bible and is an accomplished author of two books entitled, “The Associate Minister-Less Than a Shepherd, But More Than a Sheep” and “The Frustrated Sheep Who Needed a Shepherd but Got a Preacher.” Moreover, he founded the Seeds for the Harvest Ministry and provides daily devotionals by way of YouTube. Minister Johnson was licensed in 1997 and ordained in 1999 at the Gospel Tabernacle Baptist Church in Baltimore, Maryland. Presently, he serves at Pilgrim’s Way Bible Baptist Church and provides leadership to the church’s Fellowship Committee and teaches Wednesday night Bible Study. Rev. Johnson stands on Matthew 6:33.
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